
《尊品》杂志是头等舱商旅精英的专属航空杂志,2005 年创刊,2016年进驻北京首都国际机场,成为北京首都国际机场和长沙黄花国际机场唯一指定杂志。受众人群主要面向高学历、高品位、高消费的商旅人群。《尊品》杂志实现了对北京及湖南1亿主流人群的无缝隙覆盖,航空媒体领域地位不断提升。

Since its inception in 2005 and establishment in Beijing Capital International Airport in 2016, JUMPING has been the exclusive in-flight magazine for business and luxury travelers, serving a high-education, high-taste, high-spending audience. It seamlessly covers over 100 million mainstream individuals in Beijing and Hunan, continually elevating its status in the aviation media field.


Embracing the dream of "making China more elegant, open, and international," JUMPING has made milestone contributions to the aviation media and fashion sectors.


 precisely targeting first-class passengers on 160 flights daily, reaching 1.2 million high-end individuals annually.


JUMPING, as a "refined filter of massive information," employs a nationally famous editorial team to create an "information secretary for business elites." It liberates readers from the slavery and anxiety of information overload, broadening their thinking, exploring new knowledge, uncovering interesting finds, and ensuring a beneficial read. As a pioneer and explorer of pan-finance and lifestyle content, the magazine showcases its power through renowned columns cherished by the wealthy: "Cover Story," "Perspective," "Personalities," "Planning," "Industry," "Craftsmanship," "Private Enjoyment," and many more, each showcasing the dynamics and philosophies of capital wealth and promoting a life of high quality. Aligning with its mission, JUMPING's presence extends beyond print to its new media platforms, including its WeChat official account and video channels, offering a seamless blend of traditional and modern media outreach.